#UrbanRealm Cover Feature / ASA Cover October 2013
One of my images from a few years back is on the cover of this years Architecture Scotland Annual, taken on a project trip to Abu Dhabi, whilst working with Hypostyle Architects. The image is from a striking masterplan development for a New Town built in the desert. Closer to home some of my images […]

#UrbanRealm Cover Feature / Spring 2013
An image from a photo story assignment for leading scottish architecture magazine Urban Realm, is on the front cover of the spring edition. Due to the notorious crimes committed by Savile, his former home in Glen Coe has been the target of much vandalism amid calls for it to be demolished. Debate continues over the […]

Govan’s culture – community spirit & becoming shipshape again
The following text and images came out of research following regeneration efforts beginning within the community. My article commissioned by Urban Realm Magazine was published in issue 8 of the magazine in December 2011 Govan Shipshaped PDF It is also viewable in the publications section of this site. Glorious Govan… Resilient and exciting; it is rich […]

The end of the Red Road Flats, Glasgow
With recent events and the preparation for demolition bringing the attention of journalists and other eyes to focus on the Red Road Flats in Glasgow, the current situation and future of this area is both sensitive and uncertain. In an attempt to put expectations and stereotypes to one side, I was curious as to what […]