Rothesay Townscape Heritage Initiative commissioned me to record areas of the town that were to be included in staged phases of improvements. Initially I visited in 2013 to capture the current condition of the area before the 1st phase of regeneration work got underway, and it was good to return in 2016 to capture the improvements and record the condition of the area identified for the second phase of improvements around the Winter Gardens and leading up to the A- listed Art Deco styled Rothesay Pavilion (not pictured here). With construction work underway, the building will be a pinnacle of regeneration in the area, having secured funding for a full scale refurbishment as a cultural and community hub. I look forward to returning and seeing the progress made.

Rothesay Winter Gardens

Before improvements

After improvements

Before improvements

After improvements

Before improvements

After improvements

Design consultants meet the public

Design consultants meet the public